
Glee Tsai. I’m an Apple certified trainer, iOS developer.

A decade ago, I started my career with Apple. Not saying that I work for Apple, but fall in love with it. I had tried different ways on promoting people who works and life with Apple devices by publishing magazine and books in mandarin, especially focus on Taiwan.

As well as, becoming an iOS developer and an Apple Certified App Development Trainer, worked with different SaaS startups in Taiwan. Nowadays, contribute my enthusiasm to Jamf, helping organizations succeed with Apple, which is also the objective of the company.

The goal of this blog is logging everything what I learned, seen and experienced in my career. Some posts will be written in Mandarin to readers who are not familiar with English but searching for a management strategy against to Apple ecosystem.

Feel free to contact if you would like to know more in managing Apple devices or my works. I’m Glee on TWMUG slack or glee0721 on Twitter


大約十年前,我投入到蘋果生態圈。在這期間嘗試過多種方式推廣人們使用蘋果設備工作與生活,包含出版工具書、台灣第一本蘋果月刊雜誌。後來也成為 iOS 軟體工程師與認證講師,與國內數個新創團隊共同打造 Apps。

如今,我專注在 Jamf 這間公司。這間公司與我這幾年間在做的事很像,讓企業能使用蘋果設備邁向成功。這個部落格的目的在於紀錄我在這個職涯裡所學習到、看到、以及體驗到的事情,如果能正好成為你正在找的內容,那就再好不過了。

如果你對如何在企業/學校裡使用蘋果設備、或對我正在做的事有興趣,請不要客氣的聯絡我。我在 TWMUG 的 Slack 上叫做 Glee,你也可以在 Twitter 上用 glee0721 找到我。